Enjoy the practice of building your abstract and innovative thinking skills! The benefits are you will have some fun, and you will come up with new and unique ideas to create new things, capitalize on opportunities, or solve problems.
Get Off Plateaus to Gain a Competitive Edge
The End of Competitive Advantage As We Knew It
Play War Games to Get Inside Your Competitor’s Head
We live in an era of disruption, and one thing is certain: the success or failure of your strategy hinges on what your competitors choose to do. Play a war game with your team to uncover blind spots, think like the competition, anticipate what they might do next, and plan your next moves to win in the market.
Is Your Company Moving in Slow Motion? Five Steps to Accelerate Speed
Do you sometimes feel like you are slogging knee-deep through a mud pit to get important initiatives implemented? No matter how slow the rest of your organization is to buy in to your ideas or get things done, here are five things you can do to speed things up and make transformational change happen.