Lead with IMPACT
Leadership & Team Workshop Topics
Have you been looking for an inspiring way to develop the leaders in your business but you don’t have the time or resources to start a Leadership Development Program of your own?
Learners fully immerse themselves together in a consultant-led virtual or onsite program. Engagements can range from one to two onsite 4-hour days. Virtual sessions are broken down into 90-minute learning segments.
An effective team begins with effective leadership.
At Profit Strategies, we use active, experiential learning within our leadership development learning solutions to build and successfully apply the ‘soft’ power leadership skills — and ‘hard’ business acumen skills required to successfully lead in today’s challenging and changing business climate.
Real-life scenario-based practice and role playing are some of our favorite learning activities so that there is relevant, and immediate application of new skills in the workplace.
Our premier workshop offerings that get results include:
Coaching Skills for Managers
Navigating Difficult Conversations
Launching a New Team
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
Team Alignment & Misalignment
And more
Bundle Together a Customized Solution for You
We offer a variety of workshop topics that you can bundle together for a customized solution that fits your needs.
Choose to Contact us to discuss your specific needs.
Or Download a complete list of the Lead with IMPACT leadership and team development workshop topics here.