Book Review: The 1-Page Marketing Plan, by Allan Dib

Book Review: The 1-Page Marketing Plan, by Allan Dib

I give this book Five Stars *****. It is about the fastest path to the money, which comes about from consistently and successfully marketing your business. The author, Allan Dib, lays out a clear, straightforward plan that is easy to understand through his telling of stories and providing plenty of examples to illustrate his points

Are Organizations Prepared to Address the Skills Gap Challenge?

Are Organizations Prepared to Address the Skills Gap Challenge?

The reality is most organizations are woefully unprepared to fill the skills gap. Read this article to discover what you can do about it.

Are Your Managers Under-Managing?

Are Your Managers Under-Managing?

We all hear a lot about the detriments of micro-managing employees. But what I have witnessed in almost 20 years of consulting is that employees are more often under-managed. Read about what indicates when under-management is taking place and what you can do about it.

3 Instruments to View Your Business and the World

3 Instruments to View Your Business and the World

Gain a deeper perspective. There are three ways to view your business and the world to ensure it's future viability. Close your eyes and imagine you have three optical instruments on your desk to view long term, the macro broad landscape that your business operates in, and the micro view of what's happening in your business.

On Leadership: A Conversation with Tom Walter, Chief Culture Officer at Tasty Catering

On Leadership: A Conversation with Tom Walter, Chief Culture Officer at Tasty Catering

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Tom Walter, Chief Culture Office (CCO) of the multiple-award-winning business, Tasty Catering, in Elk Grove Village, IL to talk about leadership, culture, and creating high-performance organizations. Aside from being CCO of Tasty Catering, Tom is also the author of the book, It's My Company Too: How Entangled Companies Move Beyond Employee Engagement for Remarkable Results, and is a nationally recognized speaker on entrepreneurship, leadership and business culture. Mull over his words, and take to heart the nuggets of leadership wisdom he shares!

4 Golden Rules: Teach Financial Literacy To Unlock More Profit

4 Golden Rules: Teach Financial Literacy To Unlock More Profit

Who creates the financial numbers in your company? Odds are if you asked employees this question most of them would say, "The accounting department." You understand employees create the numbers on the financial statements through the decisions they make and actions they take. But do your employees understand this? Read how to get employees more involved with impacting "the numbers" and financial success of the company! 

The #1 Driver of Profitability

The #1 Driver of Profitability

The Labor Efficiency Ratio measures the productivity of your labor force through time and can be used to optimize your economic engine for maximum profitability. However, most leaders are unfamiliar with this concept and instead pay more attention to total labor costs—which is a flawed measure because it does not account for how productive labor actually is at generating profits.